
Oracle JavaOne 2016



This blog shows some of the highlights of JavaOne this year.

The main keywords where: Internet of Things, Microservices BigData and Java 9.

The most of my time I have spend on following JavaOne sessions because I am more kind of a technical than functional programmer.
Because I’m a integration developer my interest where in microservices next to that Java 9 and whats coming in this release.

JavaOne announcements:

  • Oracle has given NetBeans to the Apache foundation. The whole transfer has not been completed yet.
    This gives NetBeans the opportunity to grow into a greater IDE for developers with more plugins.
  • Java 9 has 58 new features. The biggest are Jigsaw and JShell.
  • Java EE 8 introduces four new modules security, JSON-B Health Check and Configuration.
  • The launch of Go Java like Oracle Developer Gateway the starting point for Java developers.
  • IBM is bringing his SDK to the Open Source community.

The things I’m exited about are:

  • Building a smaller JRE from a existing JDK 9 so you can run your software on a JRE with only the libraries that you need.
  • Using hypermedia with REST you can leave the whole business logica on the server side.
  • Using Swagger you can develop contract first REST. And parallel programming by front-end and back-end using a mocked REST service based on the contract.
    Swagger can also generate boilerplate code from the contract. The contract can be written in YAML or JSON.
  • NetBeans going to the Apache Foundation gives the opportunity for developers to join and contribute on the project. For building more plugins.
  • Native REST support in Java EE 7 with JSON-B.
  • Microservices and the concept of it, scalability, API management, every service has one specified responsibility and his own dataset.
  • Mission Control and Flight Recorder witch will be delivered with JDK 9.

For more info on JavaOne blogs see Oracle Java Blogs

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