Changes in JDeveloper 12c BPM simulations

While creating a BPM project simulation in the JDeveloper 12c IDE, I noticed some differences in behavior as opposed to 11g. Although the functionality is mostly unchanged, the UI is different. Most of them are more intuitive, but you might want to check them out and save some time.
- Simulations are not always listed by default in the BPM project navigator. You can add them by right-clicking on the project, select New … | From Gallery …. , and search for Simulation. You’ll find both the BPMN Process Model Simulation and the BPM Project Simulation Definition there. When you add them, they are added to the Project tree (Project | BPM | Simulations).
- Activity based parameters for Simulation Models used to be in a separate tab (Flow nodes). Now, the BPMN Process is displayed in the Simulation Model pane. When selecting an activity, the parameters like resources, cost per hour and duration are in the lower pane.
- For project simulations, the indicators button (with a chart icon) is replaced by a wrench icon with the name “configure”. Here activities, resources and indicators can be set. Also, the filtering of activities can be done here, instead of the former Activity icon.