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Werken bij Integration & Application Talents
Whitebook 25/01/2022

A clear understanding of loops in Terraform


Since version 0.13 Terraform, created by HashiCorp, supports loops in resources and modules. Especially, there was a high demand for the feature ‘loop over modules’. This will generate high code developing advantages. Possible use cases for this are for example:

• Creating the exact same infrastructure over multiple regions in a cloud.
• Increasing or decreasing the amount of virtual machines in the infrastructure with just changing a single number.
• Updating virtual machines in a high available manner becomes really simple. Just add some new machines in the infrastructure, update those new machines, update the old machines and remove the last added machines again.

Wilbert Spaanderman
Wilbert Spaanderman /
Integratie expert

A clear understanding of loops in Terraform

A clear understanding of loops in Terraform / pdf - 1.39 MB

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Wilbert Spaanderman
Wilbert Spaanderman /
Integratie expert

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